Canadian Resources for ESL

Canadian Resources for ESL
15 Ravina Crescent, Toronto, M4J 3L9, Ontario, Canada
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The Grab Bag of Telephone


1.00 lbs
Our price


High Beginner to Intermediate
CLB 2-4
Middle School to Adult
Elizabeth Ganong & Dan Ingram
Text 82 pages

Take A Look Inside

Many ESL students cringe when they have to use English on the phone. It is no doubt one of the biggest challenges they face. While on the phone, neither person can rely on those all important visual clues that tell you how a person is feeling, whether or not a person is following along and so on. The Grab Bag of Telephone will help students gain confidence in using the telephone.

Your students will practise answering the phone, calling for information, taking messages and leaving messages when you use The Grab Bag of Telephone. They will also practise using the language structures they need to communicate effectively. The next time a phone rings, your students will answer it with confidence!


•     Quick Start...1
•     Discussion Start...1
•     Answering Order...2
•     On The Phone...4
•     Not Right Now...5
•     Telephone Talk...6
•     Wrong Numbers...7
•     Word Place...8
•     Alphabetizing...9
•     Your Thoughts...10
•     My Machine...11
•     Answering Machines...12
•     Telemarketers...14
•     Questioning...16
•     Pass It Along...17
•     Read It...18
•     Why Call Them...20
•     I Would Like...22
•     Conversation Checks...23
•     Telephone Invitations...24
•     Question Match...25
•     Number Search...26
•     Party Plans...27
•     What’s Your Number?...28
•     Yellow Pages Search...30
•     I Can’t Come Today...31
•     My Grandfather “Chet”...32
•     Using A Pay Phone...33
•     A Call For Pizza...34
•     Call Talk...36
•     Conversation Complete...37
•     Good News, Bad News...38
•     You And Your Telephone...40
•     Telephone Talk...41
•     Number Fish...42
•     Codes...42
•     Calling For Information...43
•     More Than Numbers...44
•     Telephone Book Find...44
•     Job Search Role Plays...46
•     Complete The Call...48
•     Already or Yet?...49
•     For Sale...50
•     On The Phone...51
•     Alexander Graham Bell...52
•     Telephone Prepositions...54
•     Please Tell...55
•     Call Answer...58
•     Question Form...60
•     Help Is On The Way...61
•     Telephone Game Board...62
•     Game Board Template...63
•     A Friendly Call...64
•     Telephone Answer...65
•     You’re Invited...67
•     I Can’t Make It...68
•     Phone Action...69
•     Zero or 0...77
•     Not At Home...79
•     Looking for a Place...79
•     Perfect Endings...80
•     Can’t Talk Now...81
•     Got to Go…82
•     Limited Time...83

Text 82 pages
ISBN 978-1-894799-08-9
$59.95 CDN
Price Includes Photocopy Permission for a Single Purchasing School or Purchasing Teacher