Pratima's Literacy Wheel Workbook The Short Vowels a-e-i-o-u Beginner - Grade 4 to Adults - Pratima Singh Text 75 pages
Pratima’s Literacy Wheel is a hands-on experience that allows students to manipulate a spelling wheel while learning about the short vowel sounds in the English language. The kit comes with instructions and a template to make wheels, plus a reproducible illustrated workbook. Your students will learn over one hundred words using the wheel. The book covers the five short vowels, one at a time, using exercises to learn the words and then places the words in context. The exercises include: • Use the Wheel to Spell the Word • Flash Cards • Match the Word to the Picture • Words in Context • Bingo • Concentration • Go Fish • Dominoes • Tic Tac Spell • Fill in the Blanks • Listen and Write • Change One Letter and Make a New Word The review section provides a mix of short vowel sound words so students can begin to experience the words as they as they are heard and read in real life. Text 75 pages ISBN 1-894799-11-9 Price Includes Photocopy Permission for Purchasing School $69.95 |
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