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Outcomes: CLB Stage One - Level 1

Outcomes: CLB Stage One - Level 1

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Product Description

CLB Stage 1
Level 1
Assessment Of All Skill Areas
Text 60 pages

Take A Look Inside

Outcomes is a CLB assessment series. The Thames Valley D. S. B. has developed these levels based on the CLB 2000 document. The writers provide sample outcome tests. These tests are what your student should know, and they are also an excellent way for teachers to familiarize themselves with the CLB document through practical examples.


Rating for Level of Performance 1
Instructions: Tests A & B 2-3
Suasion, getting things done: Tests A & B 4-5
Information: Tests A, B & C 6-7
Social Interaction is evaluated in the Speaking Section 12
Evaluation Sheet 8

To the Teacher 9
Rating for Level of Performance 10-11
Speaking Interview Form 12
Listening Social Interaction 12
Appendices 1 through 7 13-19

Rating for Level of Performance 20
Social Interaction Texts: Test A 21
Instructions: Tests A & B 22-23
Business/Service Texts: Tests A, B, C & D 24-27
Informational Text: Tests A, B & C 28-30
Evaluation Sheet 31

Social Interaction: Rating for Level of Performance 32
Social Interaction: Tests A, B & C 33-35
Recording Information: Rating for Level of Performance 36
Recording Information: Tests A, B, C & D 37-40
Business/Service Messages: Rating for Level of Performance 41
Business/Service Messages: Tests A & B 42-43
Presenting Information: Rating for Level of Performance 44
Presenting Information: Tests A & B 45-46
Evaluation Sheet     47

Answer Key 48

60 pages
ISBN 978-1-894799-21-8
$29.95 CDN
Price Includes Photocopy Permission for Purchasing Site/School or Purchasing Teacher

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