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Fruit Module Literacy Foundation & 1L Fauzia Anis

Fruit Module Literacy Foundation & 1L Fauzia Anis

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Product Description

The first part of this book introduces the vocabulary words and illustrations. The next part is 26 pages of exercises to learn the words: Skill Building. Then 41 pages of exercises to use the words: Skill Using. This is followed by a PBLA assessment section. There are two each of: listening, speaking, reading, and writing assessments.

Focused Vocabulary:
1. apple
2. banana
3. pear
4. pineapple
5. lemon
6. grape
7. grapefruit  
8. cantaloupe
9. watermelon
10. orange
11. raspberry
12. lime
13. plum
14. cherry
15. peach
16. blueberry
17. strawberry

Trace And Write The Word
Students read, trace and write.

Read The Words Aloud With Your Teacher Set 1A
Students read the word aloud with their teacher and then write it.

Read The Words Aloud With Your Teacher Set 1B
Students read the word aloud with their teacher and then write it.

Match The Pictures To The Words Set 1
Students draw a line from the word to the picture.

Match The Pictures To The Words Set 2 Students draw a line from the word to the picture.

Read The Words Aloud With Your Teacher Set 1A
Students read the word aloud with their teacher and then write it.

Read The Words Aloud With Your Teacher Set 1B
Students read the word aloud with their teacher and then write it.

Fill in the Words Set 1
Students copy the words into the spaces paying attention to the shape and height of the letters.

Fill in the Words Set 2
Students copy the words into the spaces paying attention to the shape and height of the letters.

Listen And Circle Set 1A
Students number the rows, listen and circle the word they hear.

Listen And Circle Set 1B
Students number the rows, listen and circle the word they hear.

Listen And Circle Set 1A
Students number the rows, listen and circle the word they hear.

Listen And Circle Set 2A
Students number the rows, listen and circle the word they hear.

Spelling Dictation Set 1
Students look at the picture and then spell the word their teacher dictates.

Spelling Dictation Set 2
Students look at the picture and then spell the word the teacher dictates.

Circle The Word To Match The Picture Set 1 Students number the rows, then they circle the word that matches the picture.

Circle The Word To Match The Picture Set 2 Students number the rows, then they circle the word that matches the picture.

Write The Words In Alphabetical Order Set 1
Students number the rows. Then they write the words in alphabetical order.

Write The Words In Alphabetical Order Set 2
Students number the rows. Then they write the words in alphabetical order.

Word Find Set 1 Easy
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.

Word Find Set 1 Medium
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.

Word Find Set 1 Difficult
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.

Word Find Set 2 Easy
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.

Word Find Set 2 Medium
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.

Word Find Set 2 Difficult
Students circle the words listed in the word bank.


Questions and Answers - Singular
Students read short questions and answers, then they copy the answer.

Questions and Answers Set #1
What Is It? Copy the answer.
This is a reading, writing and dialogue exercise.

Questions and Answers Set #2
What Is It? Copy the answer.
This is a reading, writing and dialogue exercise.

Information Gap Student A
Student A gives the information from their sheet and Student B writes it on their sheet.

Information Gap Student B
Student B gives the information from their sheet and Student A writes it on their sheet.

Fill in the Letters #1
Fill in the vowels. Write the number beside the picture.

Fill in the Letters #2
Fill in the vowels. Write the number beside the picture.

I Like to Eat - Read and Write #1
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Is it true?

I Like to Eat - Read and Write #2
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences. Is it true?

Do You Like…? Set 1
Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences. Interview your partner.

Do You Like…? Set 2
Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences. Interview your partner.

Story and Questions - Shopping List
Read the story.

Story and Questions - Shopping for Fruit
Read the story.

Story and Questions - Fruit Salad
Read the story.

Story and Questions - Where Are The…?
Read the story.

Is it a…? Yes it is. Are they…? Yes, they are. #1
This is a listening, reading and dialogue exercise.

Is it a…? Yes it is. Are they…? Yes, they are. #1 Transcript

Is it a…? Yes it is. Are they…? Yes, they are. #2
This is a listening, reading and dialogue exercise.

Is it a…? Yes it is. Are they…? Yes, they are. #2 Transcript
Is it a _____? No, it isn’t. It is a _________. Are they ______? No, they aren’t. They are ____. #1
This is a listening, reading and dialogue exercise.

Is it a _____? No, it isn’t. It is a _________. Are they ______? No, they aren’t. They are ____. #1 Transcript

Is it a _____? No, it isn’t. It is a _________. Are they ______? No, they aren’t. They are ____. #2
This is a listening, reading and dialogue exercise.

Is it a _____? No, it isn’t. It is a _________. Are they ______? No, they aren’t. They are ____. #2 Transcript

Buying Fruit Set A
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

Buying Fruit Set A Transcript

Buying Fruit Set B
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

Buying Fruit Set B Transcript

What Are You Eating? Set A
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

What Are You Eating? Set A Transcript

What Are You Eating? Set B
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

What Are You Eating? Set B Transcript

Where Are The…? Set A
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

Where Are The…? Set A Transcript

Where Are The…? Set B
Listen and write. Practise the dialogues with a partner.

Where Are The…? Set B Transcript

Queen Fruit Store
Read and copy.

The Fruit Store
Read and copy.

Game Board



Listening Assessment #1
The student listens to the teacher and points to the correct picture.

Listening Assessment #2
The student listens to the teacher say, “Please pass me…?” and passes picture.

Speaking Assessment #1
The student tells the name of 10 pictures.

Speaking Assessment #2
The student answers the question and shows the picture.

Reading Assessment #1
The students read the shopping list and circle the correct answers.

Reading Assessment #2
The students read the story and circle the correct answers.

Writing Assessment #1
Students copy the words.

Writing Assessment #2
Students copy the words.

Student Reflection

Text 156 pages Text, Audio Files & PowerPoints
$69.95 Includes Photocopy Permission for One Purchasing Site/School or Teacher
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