1. Stretch Your Book Budget Dollars
If you purchase a class set the cost is about $25 x 25 student books = $625. Get similar
content by purchasing one of our reproducibles for less than $60. These books are cost
2. Expand Your Teacher Resource Centre
For less than the price of a class set you could have 10 different reproducible workbooks in your school resource centre.
3. You Can Photocopy Legally
The publisher grants permission to the purchaser to photocopy, unlike those other books.
4. Enrich Your Curriculum
Keep your students’ interest high with a rich variety of material.
5. Openers
Does your class start at nine but the students trickle in from 8:45 to 9:20? Use reproducible exercises as class openers. Get your students working in English right away.
6. Reduce Your Prep Time
Keep your prep time to a minimum. The exercises in these books are ready-to-go. Even if you are paid $30 per hour, but you prep on your own time for two hours for one hour of teaching, you are really only making $10 per hour. Think of purchasing prep time at about fifty cents an hour. Save hundreds of hours of prep time for a small investment.
7. Service Students with Diverse Levels and Needs
With reproducibles you can pick and choose from a wide variety of material to meet the
specific needs of individual students.
8. Supply Teaching
Supply teachers, don’t panic when you get that call, with just a few of these books you’ll have lots of material on hand.
9. Great Homework Pages
Assigning homework has never been easier. Copy and handout.
10. Review and Remedial
Not every student understands the lesson the first time. These books are great for review and remedial.
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